For women*, staying healthy and vibrant can feel overwhelming, especially in a stressful world. The cycles of menstruation and menopause can put body and mind through many changes. For some people, the process is relatively smooth, but for many, there are struggles along the way.
Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to support your body’s natural cycles, and herbs are a powerful ally!
Herbal formulas may focus on supporting your body’s natural hormone cycle, reducing ups and down and difficult symptoms, while some offer specific symptom relief. Most of my favorites do a bit of both!
The ups and downs of the regular menstrual cycle can be challenging: mood swings, bloating, cramps, trouble sleeping, digestive distress.
The Peri-menopause transition is an unsettled time leading up to full menopause (when there are no more periods). This process is different for everyone, but common symptoms include hot flashes, sweating, sleep changes, weight gain, mood swings, skin changes, and libido changes.
For many women, the herb of choice is Vitex, or Chaste Tree Berry, used to regulate normal hormone production and make the monthly transitions smoother.
Vitex is helpful for PMS, Peri-menopause, and Menopause.
One of my personal favorites is Ginger Root, a warming, soothing herb that can be taken to ease cramps and settle the stomach.
Shatavari root is particularly helpful for the changes of peri-menopause, soothing delicate tissues and easing some of the wilder ups and downs of this challenging time.
Black Cohosh can help ease cramps and the moodiness of PMS and peri-menopause. It is helpful on its own, or is often found in blends with Vitex, and sometimes St. John’s Wort, another useful herb for mood.
Smile’s own blend of Menopause Tea contains Vitex, Black Cohosh, and St. John’s Wort, and can be used for PMS or Menopausal symptoms.
Estro Logic Created by Kathleen Fry M.D., Gynecologist, and Smile Herb Shop’s own Claudia Joy Wingo, Medical Herbalist, is a unique combination of ingredients that supports healthy hormone balance for women experiencing midlife changes.
Estrotone, by New Chapter is a formula of herbal extracts and antioxidants for hormonal balance and healthy aging.
A multivitamin can also be very helpful for all phases of a woman’s life. It can be hard to keep up the healthiest diet every day, and a high quality multivitamin, like New Chapter’s Every Woman, can provide essential vitamins and minerals to support the body through times of stress and change.
Finally, the female reproductive system’s frequent changes can add stress to already stressful lives. Herbs like Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, Eleuthero, and Skullcap can support a healthy stress response and reduce troublesome symptoms.
Change can be tough, but so can we! The knowledgeable use of herbs to support body and mind can be an important part of your self-care strategy!
*For the purposes of this article, “woman/women” refers to anyone who has, or has had, female reproductive organs, regardless of their gender identification.
Source: Black Cohosh and St. Johns Wort study,
Smile Herb Products

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